The law firm’s team provides effective consumer bankruptcy even in a few days with comprehensive support from legal experts. It has 100% efficiency in this area. We take care of the smooth course of the proceedings at every stage, i.e.: preparation of the consumer bankruptcy petition, representation before the court, and the trustee, as well as implementation of the debt relief plan. We declare bankruptcy even in a few days. Each client receives a dedicated case manager, who is at his disposal during the office hours. Through this, we spread a protective umbrella over our client and his entire case.


The law firm’s team provides effective consumer bankruptcy even in a few days with comprehensive support from legal experts.

He has a 100% success rate in this area.

We take care of the smooth progress of the proceedings at every stage, i.e.: preparation of the consumer bankruptcy petition, representation before the court, and the trustee, as well as implementation of the debt relief plan. We declare bankruptcy even in a few days.

Each client is assigned a dedicated case manager who is at his or her disposal during office hours. Through this, we spread a protective umbrella over our client and his entire case.


Consumer bankruptcy is a way to free yourself from debt. It is used by insolvent people who are unable to repay their loans and credits. The law stipulated only two prerequisites that a debtor is required to meet in order for the district court appropriate to his place of residence to issue a bankruptcy order. The basic condition is the insolvency of the applicant. The second prerequisite for declaring bankruptcy in Poland, is to maintain a center of life in the country. The debtor is also not allowed to conduct business or is required to apply for its deletion from the Central Register and Information on Business Activity.

The first advantage of consumer bankruptcy should be the ability to stop any court proceedings regarding the debt, as well as bailiff executions and accrual of penalty interest. In addition, the size of the liabilities is irrelevant, nor is the length of time that they have been in default.

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