Do I stand a chance of getting a loan after declaring bankruptcy?

Declaring consumer bankruptcy means admitting insolvency. It is clear that for a bank or even a loan company, this means a red light. After declaring consumer bankruptcy, the person who declared it frees himself from existing debts (except for the agreed repayments), but practically cannot incur further debts.The entry of consumer bankruptcy will appear in debtor databases for 5-10 years, and during this time the probability of receiving a loan is rather zero. The bank would have the right to grant such a loan, but it will not do so.You have a chance to get a loan, but only 5 years after declaring consumer bankruptcy. Of course, one way or another, it is worth working to improve your creditworthiness, primarily by earning a higher and stable income. Maybe the next loan will not be needed at all.The biggest difficulty is in taking out a mortgage to buy an apartment/home. Even after several years of insolvency and having a solid income, it will be difficult to take on such a commitment. It is possibly worth contacting a credit counselor, but do not expect miracles.Loan companies sometimes lend to people who have declared consumer bankruptcy several years earlier, but such offers are exceptions and are usually very expensive.

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