How does the process of completing the liquidation of a foundation work?

It is the liquidator who determines when the liquidation should end. The beginning of liquidation is determined by the date of the resolution to dissolve the foundation or the date indicated in the court’s order to order liquidation. There is no time limit in the Law on Foundations for completing the liquidation process, but in practice, usually, referring to the regulations for associations, liquidation takes a maximum of one year. Usually foundations liquidate at this time.The final stage of liquidation is the convening of a meeting of the relevant body to decide on the completion of liquidation and the approval of the liquidator’s report (one of its elements is the financial statements as of the date of completion of liquidation). The final decision is therefore made by the relevant statutory body – the same one that made the decision to initiate liquidation. For example, it could be the foundation board, it could be the funder. If there are such bodies, the liquidator must notify them that he has completed the process, in order for these bodies to finally complete the liquidation (pass a resolution to complete the liquidation). Post meeting documents as of the date of completion of liquidation: 1.resolution on completion of liquidation and adoption of financial statements as of the date of completion of liquidation – signed by the persons adopting it (e.g., foundation council/founder/liquidator), as appropriate; 2.liquidation report with financial statements as of the date of completion of liquidation and confirmation of public announcement of opening of liquidation – signed by liquidator. After this decision, the liquidator files an application for deletion with the court.

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