What are the disadvantages of declaring consumer bankruptcy ?

However, consumer bankruptcy also comes with negative consequences. The most far-reaching effect is the loss of rights to one’s property. All real estate and valuable movable property shall be used to settle the debt. Moreover, it is very common for the trustee to seize part of the salary. Thus, the debt is not only paid from all the debtor’s assets, but also without his control. A person who declares bankruptcy must also reckon with the inability to take on new debts, loans and credits without prior court approval. In addition, it is important to remember that bankruptcy information is publicly available. Thus, m. in. such personal information as name, surname, home address and PESEL number.Until recently, declaring bankruptcy for many people was a last resort. Nowadays, it is increasingly an option in the eyes of many to get rid of the problem quickly. However, it should be noted that before applying such a categorical measure, it is worth considering negotiating the terms of repayment of the debt and working out with the creditor an amicable solution to the dispute tailored to your life situation and financial capabilities.

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