Who will the children stay with after the divorce?

In a judgment declaring divorce, the court shall decide on parental authority over the joint minor child of both spouses and the parents’ contact with the child, and shall decide how much each spouse is obliged to pay for the maintenance and upbringing of the child. The court shall take into account the written agreement of the spouses on how to exercise parental authority and maintain contact with the child after divorce, if it is in accordance with the child’s welfare. Siblings should grow up together, unless the welfare of the child requires a different arrangement. In the absence of the agreement referred to above, the court, taking into account the child’s right to be raised by both parents, shall decide on the manner of joint exercise of parental authority and maintaining contact with the child after divorce. The court may entrust the exercise of parental authority to one parent, limiting the parental authority of the other parent to certain duties and powers in relation to the person of the child, if the child’s welfare supports this. At the concerted request of the parties, the court does not rule on maintaining contact with the child.

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