The law firm’s team ensures a peaceful divorce even in a few days with comprehensive support from legal experts.

Cases of divorce with or without a declaration of guilt, cases of alimony, parental authority or contact with a minor child of the parties always arouse lively emotions among their participants, so the presence of a lawyer is particularly helpful and necessary during them. Our divorce specialists approach cases professionally and always do their best to make it go as favorably as possible for our clients. With our knowledge and experience, we can handle even the most complex and sensitive civil cases.

Each client is assigned a dedicated case manager who is at his or her disposal during office hours. Through this, we spread a protective umbrella over our client and his entire case.



The divorce procedure is initiated by filing a petition. The court with jurisdiction to refer a petition for divorce is the District Court in whose district the spouses were last domiciled, if at least one of them is still domiciled or habitually resident in that district. In the absence of such a basis, only the court of the defendant’s domicile has jurisdiction, and if there is also no such basis – the court of the plaintiff’s domicile.

The divorce process begins with the issuance of pleadings between the parties and the setting of a hearing. Typically, during a divorce trial, only judges and attorneys for the parties are present in addition to the spouses. Sometimes the parties also declare their willingness to take part in the so-called “participation”. shop steward, which may be a person close to the party. The divorce process begins by asking questions of the divorcing spouses. Witnesses are then interviewed. After questioning the witnesses, the spouses are questioned. The final stage of the divorce procedure is the announcement of the judgment. The spouse does not have to be present when the verdict is announced. Granting the claim, the court rules on the dissolution of the parties’ marriage by divorce. In addition, in addition to the divorce decree, the court also decides on child support for the parties’ minor children, parental authority or contact. It is always possible to appeal the court’s decision, then, if you disagree with the verdict.

The cost of the divorce petition fee is PLN 600. The party initiating the proceedings may always apply for exemption from the obligation to pay these costs in whole or in part.

The questions that are most often asked during a divorce case are: the chances of saving the marriage, the origins of the marriage, the place of residence of the spouses, the fact of a judgment of guilt in the breakdown of marital relations or the lack thereof. In addition, questions can be about economic, physical, spiritual, economic ties. If the spouses have children, questions will most likely be asked about the property situation, the earning capacity of the spouses, the reasonable costs of living and raising the children, who the children live with, who they have what kind of relationship with, who they are to stay with permanently and where they are to be permanently located.

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