What does the restructuring of the company look like?

The first step initiating simplified proceedings for approval of an arrangement is to find a restructuring advisor with whom a contract will be signed to supervise the proceedings. It is necessary to choose among those who are licensed. Once the supervision agreement is signed, the next step is for the debtor, with the help of the supervisor, to prepare an arrangement – an inventory of claims, an inventory of disputed claims and arrangement proposals. Only when these documents are signed and submitted to the supervisor does it become possible to apply for a notice of simplified restructuring in the Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy. On the efficiency of the arrangement supervisor will depend on the pace of the work and when the notice to open a simplified restructuring against the debtor will be made. The final shape of the arrangement proposals may result from the course of negotiations with creditors, but this is not the rule. It may be that the debtor will rigidly define the content of the proposal because he knows that the creditors’ expectations exceed the debtor’s real capabilities, with the result that the arrangement will not be approved anyway. The layout supervisor also decides together with the debtor how to conduct the vote. The resolution to approve the arrangement shall be adopted by a majority of the voting creditors having at least 2/3 of the total claims of the voting creditors. If you succeed in accepting the arrangement – the debtor should immediately, keeping the deadline of 4 months from the announcement, file an application for approval of the arrangement with the competent court. An important appendix to the application is the report of the layout supervisor. The report must also include a number of attachments required by law

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