Oddalenie wniosku może nastąpić jedynie wyjątkowo w przypadku rażącej wadliwości wniosku, oczywistej niezgodności z prawdą informacji podanych w jego uzasadnieniu lub niezupełności uniemożliwiających ocenę jego zasadności. Drobne rozbieżności, niespójności, omyłki mogące dać się zauważyć podczas wysłuchania dłużnika są usprawiedliwione szczególną sytuacją jaką niewątpliwie jest składanie zeznań prze sądem, który siłą rzeczy niesie za sobą ujemne..
Autor: admin
Adwokat dołączył do zespołu kancelarii
Kancelaria otwiera się na klientów i od września obsługuje również sprawy karne, które będzie prowadził doktor nauk prawnych – mec. Jacek Duda. Jesteśmy bardzo szczęśliwi, że dołączył Pan do grona pracowników Kancelarii. Życzymy samych sukcesów i wygranych spraw.
Kancelaria podjęła współpracę z Małopolską Agencją Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.
Podjęliśmy współprace z Małopolską Agencją Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. Wierzymy, że doświadczenia i profesjonalizm, zaowocują wsparciem przedsiębiorców na każdej płaszczyźnie.
Another bankruptcy cases won
Another bankruptcy cases won „There is nothing that cannot be achieved by hard work” In a month we successfully guided our clients to achieve 10 bankruptcies, including 2 announced in less than 7 days. Of course each case required proper preparation and dedication. Our law firm is devoted 200% to each person. Our goal is..
„Waiting is not only patience, but above all believing that it is worth it”
„Waiting is not only patience, but above all believing that it is worth it” For a full six months now, we have been winning all bankruptcy cases since January 2021. In July 2021 alone, in just one week, we completed five successful bankruptcy proceedings in both the personal consumer and company bankruptcy. We are currently..
„The price of success is hard work, dedication and determination… to give your best regardless of the situation”
„The price of success is hard work, dedication and determination… to give your best regardless of the situation” We would like to congratulate Martyna Kozak, who passed the exam to become a legal advisor. We welcome you to our Company and wish you success in both your professional and private life. Legal Advisor Anna Jaworska..
„A person should not only benefit from education for professional reasons, but also for creativity and leisure”
„A person should not only benefit from education for professional reasons, but also for creativity and leisure” After a few weeks of work, we all deserve to relax and socialise, at least for a while. We were invited to many events and parties, one of them being the Miss Polonia competition. Thank you for the..
We had an article published in the local monthly JURA magazine, showing three options for securing contracts
We had an article published in the local monthly JURA magazine, showing three options for securing contracts If you are an entrepreneur and value effective solutions and security of your company, be sure to read the article that our law firm wrote for the local newspaper Jura. We suggest three options for securing contracts in..
Certificate of participation in the „XI Congress of Bankruptcy and Restructuring Law”
Certificate of participation in the „XI Congress of Bankruptcy and Restructuring Law” Acquiring knowledge is the basis for the development and improvement of professional qualifications. „Success is constant progress towards the goals you set.” We have the Certificate of participation in the „XI Congress of Bankruptcy and Restructuring Law” Legal Advisor Anna Jaworska –..
Thanks to Mrs. Anna Jaworska from the District Chamber of Legal Advisers
Thanks to Mrs. Anna Jaworska from the District Chamber of Legal Advisers We never rest on our laurels. Thanks to Mrs. Anna Jaworska from the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Krakow, for her participation as a lecturer in the pro publico bono legal education project. The classes were aimed at promoting the idea of..